Uncovering the Secrets of EEAT: Boost Your SEO Rankings By Understanding How Google Rates Content Creators

Jan 17, 2023
5 min read
Angus Yip

The EEAT concept by Google is a convenient acronym for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. It encapsulates the essential elements of credibility in today's digital environment.

Google recently updated its search quality assessment criteria, introducing the concept of "experience" to favor content created by those with first-hand knowledge. They believe that people who have personally used a product or service are best suited to create trustworthy and valuable content - such as those with extensive experience in EEAT. As a result, their work is more likely to be prioritized over others' by search engines and placed higher on rankings due to perceived superior value. In summary: experience means having an intimate understanding of your subject matter which will be rewarded when it comes time for ranking!

Google's Search Quality Assessment Guide explains the evaluation of EEAT from high to low, which can be broken down into four distinct categories. As we enter a new year, I wish all SEOers good luck in refining their skills and perfecting SEO content!

Part 4.5.2 : Lowest E-E-A-T and Lowest Reputation of the Website or Content Creator

According to Google Search Quality Rating Guidelines Part 4.5.2, if a page's Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT) is inadequate for users' needs then the Main Content should not be utilized by people. Additionally, webpages with Your Money or Your Life topics that appear unprofessional will receive low ratings as they are deemed untrustworthy. Moreover, when the trustworthiness of both content creators and websites has significantly deteriorated due to bad reputation from many individuals online it will therefore obtain the lowest possible rating in terms of quality assessment standards set forth by Google.

Part 5.1 : Lacking E-E-A-T

In Chapter 5.1 of the Google Search Quality Assessor's Guide, assessors are presented with various examples that reveal what is expected from pages with a low quality-to-EEAT ratio. Pages and websites which lack appropriate EEAT levels for their topic or purpose can be identified through indicators such as:

• A restaurant review written by someone who has zero experience in restaurants

• Articles on skydiving published by an individual unfamiliar with the subject matter

• An untrustworthy website offering tax forms for download without any accompanying customer service information  

It should furthermore be kept in mind that even if due to its reputation, a page may not manage to bypass these criteria set out by Google relating to EEATs level and overall trustworthiness.

Part 7.3 : High Level of E-E-A-T

As per Google Quality Assessment Guidelines Chapter 7.3, the key to attaining high EEAT standards is by crafting content that's reliable and trusted. And what could be better than sharing your own experiences? Whether you're penning about symphonies or analyzing home appliances, having hands-on knowledge can truly make a social media post or discussion page top-notch in quality. This is why Google encourages creating valuable experience for almost any subject matter!

Part 8.3 : Very High Level of E-E-A-T

In order to earn the highest grade of EEAT, Chapter 8.3 from Google's Quality Assessment Guidelines prescribes that experienced content creators are generally considered trustworthy due to their expertise and should be seen as an authoritative source for a given topic. Moreover, it is suggested that these experts possess "very high EEAT," which reinforces this notion of trustworthiness on the Internet—the most trusted source for any specific issue or query.

比起以往Google 嘅搜索排名,2023年嘅Google 列出自家搜尋引擎最新標準,為本來嘅EAT概念前面加多一個E。新概念「EEAT」為首字母縮寫詞分別代表緊經驗(Experience)、專業知識(Expertise)、權威性(Authoritativeness)以及可信賴性(Trustworthiness)。

Google搜索質素嘅評估標準已經更新。而對於新加入「經驗」嘅概念,Google對佢嘅解釋係:從事內容創作工作者都應該要對文章主題有第一手經驗嘅認識。而創作者嘅內容都係普遍值得信賴嘅,並且由具豐富個人經驗嘅人更容易喺搜尋引擎置頂。因為Google 相信親自使用過產品或服務嘅人就內容認受性而言遠比未曾使用過產品或服務嘅人高。簡單嚟講:EEAT中嘅經驗指對內容有確實認識嘅人,搜索引擎會視呢類人所創作嘅內容價值較高,將其放喺較高嘅排名。

Google 的搜索質素評估指南有多個章節從高到低評估 EEAT,我哋可以將佢分成四類EEAT。祝福各位SEOers新一年掌握提升SEO 內容嘅技巧!

第 4.5.2 章:最低 EEAT

Google 搜索質素評估指南第 4.5.2 章指出:

「如果一個頁面的 EEAT 太低,人們就唔應該使用該頁面嘅主體內容(Main Content)。如果有關 YMYL (Your Money or Your Life)主題嘅頁面非常唔專業,就會將其視為不可信並且給予低評分。如果網站同內容創建者嘅聲譽極差,乃至於好多人認為該網頁或網站唔可信,就會給予最低評級。」

第 5.1 章:缺乏 EEAT

Google 搜索質素評估者指南的第 5.1 章舉例說明質量評估者喺評估低水平 EEAT 時要尋找嘅內容。而低質量頁面通常缺乏適合頁面主題或目的嘅 EEAT 級別。以下係部分例子:

  • 內容創建者缺乏足夠經驗,例如由從未在餐廳用餐嘅人撰寫嘅餐廳評論
  • 內容創建者缺乏足夠專業知識,例如一篇關於點樣跳傘嘅文章是由沒有該主題專業知識嘅人撰寫
  • 網站或內容創建者唔係頁面主題嘅權威或可信來源,例如會喺烹飪網站上面提供稅表下載。
  • 該頁面或網站嘅目的唔值得信賴,例如客戶服務信息最少嘅購物頁面

需要留意嘅係,Google指出良好聲譽無法蓋過頁面主題或目的缺乏 EEAT 嘅問題。

第 7.3 章:高水平嘅 EEAT

Google 質量評估指南的第 7.3 章包含有關實現高水平 EEAT 標準嘅信息。Google表示:「具有高 EEAT 頁面係值得信賴或者非常值得信賴。經驗對於幾乎任何主題都係有價值嘅。當人分享佢哋自身經驗時侯,社交媒體post同論壇討論通常係高質內容。從寫交響樂到評論家用電器,親身體驗可以令社交媒體post或討論頁面變得高質素。」

第 8.3 章:極高水平嘅 EEAT

Google 質素評估指南第 8.3 章提供咗有關達到最高EEAT 水平嘅標準信息:「非常高 EEAT 係最高質素頁面嘅一個顯著因素。一個網站或內容創作者應該係一個主題嘅唯一權威、首選來源,要具有非常高 EEAT。因為經驗係信任嘅主要因素,可以認為具有豐富經驗嘅內容創作者都普遍俱有非常高 EEAT。非常高水平專業知識可以證明非常高EEAT 評估係合理嘅。EEAT 非常高嘅網站同內容創作者係互聯網上特定主題最值得信賴嘅來源。」