We are going to introduce 10 inspiring documentaries on Netflix related to design so that designers like you can watch Netflix documentaries and get inspired! Whether you're an interior designer, graphic designer, product designer, stage designer, or a design junkie interested in the art of design, we're sure you'll find creative inspiration in one of the works below.
The Art of Design
This is an original series, a Netflix original documentary, with each episode featuring "the most creative designers" in a different field. These incredibly creative designers share their creative ideas and creative process. Abstraction is more than storytelling: it illuminates the intentions behind the amazing things around us. A perfect series for graphic designers, innovative designers, and prominent designers.

The Creative Brain
Cangyi may seem like a superpower held by the few in the eyes of many, but Eagleman shattered this urban legend in his record month with The Creative Brain. Eagleman tells us how we can unleash our creative minds. Eagleman argues that originality is not about creating ideas out of thin air: it is about piecing together existing ideas to create something extraordinary.

The Minimalists
In recent years, there has been a rise in renunciation, severing unnecessary things, abandoning superfluous affairs, and breaking away from attachment to things. Netflix's The Minimalists proposes the concept of minimalism, a rethinking lifestyle, allowing viewers to examine their past obsessions with material things and regain happiness.

People's designer Jeremy Scott
People tell how Scott, a farm boy, grew into the creative director of one of the world's most prestigious fashion brands. This documentary film condenses the courage it takes to carve out a creative name for yourself and dives into the minutiae of the fashion industry with a charming detour.

Floyd Norman: An Animated Life
Blending interviews and archival footage, this Netflix documentary tells the story of animator Floyd Norman, who paved the way for black creatives in show business. When Floyd Norman was a kid, he heard that he would never have a career at Disney Studios. "They don't hire black people," his colleague told him. Norman, however, paid no attention to this, and within a few years he was animating The Jungle Book, becoming Disney's first black employee.

I Am Sun Mu
This is the story of a North Korean defector, Sun Mu, who has been using a defiant pseudonym, meaning "without borders," to criticize North Korea's authoritarian regime.

The Toys That Made Us
This documentary tells the confession of the inventor behind one of the most iconic toy lines of all time, exploring how his billion-dollar creation rose and failed.

They’ll love me when I’m dead
They'll Love Me When I'm Dead, vividly showcases the creative genius of Orson Wettes and his attempt to create a film that would change the style of cinema, or what he calls "a departure from traditional filmmaking."

Print the Legend
This is the story of four competitors, 3D Systems, Stratasys, MakerBot, and Formlabs, who elevated 3D printing from a fringe, tech-nerd niche to a mass-consumer product that anyone can have on their desktop. Now, 3D printing is becoming the next wave of the technological revolution. It's a gold rush, but the question remains: Who will be the winner?

The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Photography
In The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Photography, Errol Morris explores the life of a talented photographer facing the digital world. Errol Morris has a whimsical charm and wit and shows her old friend a tour of her backyard garage-turned-archive.

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我們今天來推介10部與設計有關的Netflix 紀錄片,讓各位設計師與坐係屋企都可以吸收靈感!不管你你是室內設計師,平面設計,汽車設計,舞台設計,或者是對設計藝術感興趣的設計迷,我們相信你會在某個下面的作品中找到靈感。
1. 抽象設計的藝術/ The Art of Design
這是一部原創影集,Netflix原創紀錄片,每一集收錄了 不同領域「最具創造力的設計師」。這些設計師分享他們的創意理念,你會對抽象有新的啟發。抽象並不僅僅是講故事: 它闡明了我們周圍那些令人驚嘆的事物 背後的意圖。

2.The Creative Brain
倉意在大多人眼中似乎是少數人持有的超能力,但是Eagleman在他的紀錄月 The Creative Brain 打破了這個都市傳說。Eagleman告訴我們如何才能釋放自己 的創意思維。Eagleman提出原創不是憑空產生想法:而是把現有的想法拼湊在一 起,創造出一些非凡的東西。

3.The Minimalists
近年興起斷捨離,斷絕不需要的東西,捨棄多餘的事務,脫離對物品的執著。Netflix的The Minimalists提出了極簡主義的概念,重新思考的生活形態,讓觀眾審視過往對於物質的執著,重拾快樂。

這部Netflix紀錄片講述一個農場男孩斯科特如何成 長為世界上最負盛名的時尚品牌之一的創意總監。這部白手起家的紀錄月濃縮了為自己塑造一個富有創造力名字所需要 的勇氣,並以迷人的迂迴進入時尚行業的細枝末節。

5.Floyd Norman: An Animated Life
這部Netflix紀錄片融合了採訪和檔案鏡頭,講述了動畫師Floyd Norman的故事,他為演藝 界的黑人創意人士鋪平了道路。當Floyd Norman還是個孩子的時候,他聽說自己永遠不可能在迪士尼工作室擁有自己的事業。「他們不僱傭黑人」他的同事告訴他。然而,諾曼並沒有在意這點,幾年之內,他就 將《奇幻森林》動畫化,成為迪士尼第一位黑人僱員。

6.I Am Sun Mu
這是一個脫北藝術家Sun Mu的創作故事, Sun Mu一直使用挑釁的化名,意思是 「沒有邊界」,以此批評朝鮮的專制政權。

7.The Toys That Made Us

8.They’ll love me when I’m dead
They'll Love Me When I'm Dead生動地展現了○rson Wettes這個創作天才,以及他試圖創作一部能改變電影風格的電影,或者他所說的「背離傳統電影製作」。

9.Print the Legend
這是3D Systems、Stratasys、MakerBot和 Formlabs四家競爭對手將3D列印從一個邊緣的、技術宅級的利基市場提升為任何人都可以在桌面上擁有的大眾消費產品的故事。現在3D列印正在成為技術革命的下 一波浪潮。這是一場淘金熱,但問題依然存在:誰將成為贏家?

10.The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Photography
在The B-Side:Elsa Dorfman‘s Photography中,Errol Morris探索了一位天才攝影師面對數字世界的生活。Errol Morris有看異想天開的魅力和智慧,帶看她的老朋友參觀了她后院車庫變成的檔案室。