We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Swiss scientific skincare brand GLYCEL, featuring Asahina Aya, widely recognized for her role as Kuina in Netflix's hit series Alice in Borderland. Aya serves as the brand ambassador, showcasing GLYCEL’s latest skincare innovations. Through this multi-channel approach, we highlight the elegance, innovation, and science-backed excellence that define the GLYCEL brand.

Overcoming Challenges in a Tight Schedule
The shoot presented a significant challenge, with only two days (16 hours total) to complete the ambitious production schedule. This included:
- Filming 1 x 45-second TVC
- Filming 3 x 15-second short story videos
- Shooting 30 KV photos
- Producing 2 behind-the-scenes featurettes
Additionally, extra time was set aside for media interviews and Japanese translation requirements. Thanks to the dedication and efficiency of our professional team, we successfully overcame these challenges and completed the project on time.

Day 1: TVC and KV Shoot
The first day focused on shooting the TV commercial and key visuals. Aya demonstrated exceptional professionalism, seamlessly following the directions of our meticulous director, Grant. The styling team worked efficiently to minimize look transition times, maximizing the time available for filming and photography.

Director Grant took the time to carefully explain the filming process to Aya, even providing detailed demonstrations of key movements to ensure the perfect execution of every scene.

Meanwhile, photographer Anthony showcased incredible speed and precision, completing three unique looks in record time without compromising quality.

A Collaborative Effort
This project was a testament to the power of teamwork, professionalism, and adaptability. From Aya’s stellar performance to the crew’s flawless execution, every moment was a step toward creating a campaign that truly captures the essence of GLYCEL.
Stay tuned for the release of this stunning campaign!
今次我們非常榮幸為瑞士科研美容品牌 GLYCEL 拍攝一系列商業廣告。邀請到在《今際之國的闖關者》中飾演「水雞光」的朝比奈彩擔任品牌代言人,完美展現 GLYCEL 最新護膚產品的獨特魅力。此次合作透過多元媒體形式呈現,包括電視廣告 (TVC)、品牌主視覺照片 (KV)、小故事短片,以及幕後花絮影片,全方位詮釋 GLYCEL 的品牌精神與創新理念。


第一天主要進行TVC及KV的拍攝。Aya 展現了極高的專業素養,全程配合導演 Grant 的指示,確保拍攝順利進行。同時,造型團隊的效率極高,成功將Aya的造型轉換時間大幅縮短,為拍攝團隊爭取了更多寶貴時間,確保每一個鏡頭都能完美呈現。

導演 Grant 非常細心地向 Aya 解釋每一個拍攝流程,並親自進行動作示範,確保她能準確掌握每個細節,完美演繹出所需的情感與姿態。

攝影師 Anthony 展現了極高的專業效率,在短時間內以極快的速度完成了3個造型的KV拍攝,確保進度緊湊,同時保持每張照片的高質量水準。

這次拍攝完美展現了團隊的專業精神與高效合作,無論是朝比奈彩的精彩演繹,還是導演、攝影師、拍攝團隊與造型團隊的默契配合,每一個環節都為這次的廣告拍攝注入了亮點。我們期待這次與 GLYCEL 合作的成果正式發布,讓更多人感受到品牌的創新理念與獨特魅力!